Klentaq DNA Polymerase

Thermostable DNA Polymerase

Thermus aquaticus, recombinant, E. coli

Catálogo Nº Apresentação Preço (R$) Comprar
POL-127XS 250 U249,94 Adicionar ao Carrinho
POL-127S 500 U465,63 Adicionar ao Carrinho
POL-127M 1.000 U699,30 Adicionar ao Carrinho
POL-127L 2 x 1.000 U1.398,60 Adicionar ao Carrinho
POL-127XL 4 x 1.000 U2.798,25 Adicionar ao Carrinho

Condições de armazenamento: Store at -20 °C

Validade: 12 months

Klentaq is a 5'- exonuclease deficient Taq polymerase (an Nterminal deletion of Taq) with improved fidelity (about 25%) and thermostability (about 2 degrees) relative to wild-type Taq, and it gives higher yields of amplicon.

Kit contents:

Klentaq (blue cap)
5 units/μl Klentaq DNA Polymerase in Tris-HCl pH 8.0 (25 °C), KCl,
EDTA, DTT, 50% (v/v) Glycerol and stabilizers.

Klentaq Reaction Buffer complete (red cap) - 10x conc.
Tris-HCl pH 8.5 (25°C), KCl and 25 mM MgCl2.

PCR Reaction Setup

The PCR procedure below shows appropriate volumes for a single 50 μL reaction. For multiple reactions, prepare a master mix of components common to all and then dispense appropriate volumes into each PCR reaction tube prior to adding template DNA and primers. Thaw, mix, and briefly centrifuge each component before use. Add the following components to a microcentrifuge tube:

1. Prepare PCR master mix
Note: Consider the volumes for all components listed next steps to determine the correct amount of water required to reach your final reaction volume.

1. Prepare PCR master mix
Note: Consider the volumes for all components listed next steps to determine the correct amount of water required to reach your final reaction volume.

Component50 μl
Final conc.
PCR grade waterto 50 μl-
10x Reaction Buffer Complete5 μl1x
dNTP Mix 10 mM1 μl 200 μM
KlenTaq DNA Pol (5 U/μl) 0,5 μl2,5 U/assay
template DNAx μl<500 ng

Mix and briefly centrifuge the components.

2. Add template DNA and primers

Component50 μl
final conc.
Forward primer (10 μM) 0,5 – 2,5 μl 0,1 – 0,5 μM
Reverse primer (10 μM) 0,5 – 2,5 μl 0,1 – 0,5 μM
Template DNAx μl10 pg – 1 μg*

*genomic DNA: 1 ng – 1 μg; plasmidial DNA: 1 pg – 1 ng

Cap each tube, mix, and briefly centrifuge the content.

4. Incubate reactions in a thermal cycler
Recommended cycling conditions:

Initial denaturation 95 °C2 min1x
Denaturation95 °C15 - 30 sec25 - 40 cycles
Annealing145 - 68 °C 15 - 30 sec25 - 40 cycles
Elongation268 °C 1 min/kbp30 cycles
Final extension (optional) 68 °C 1 – 2 min/kb1x
Hold4 – 8 °C 1x

1)The annealing temperature depends on the melting temperature of the primers used
2)The elongation time depends on the length of the fragments to be amplified. A time of 2 min/kb is recommended.

For optimal specificity and amplification an individual optimization of the recommended parameters may be necessary for each new template DNA and/or primer pair.