Unmodified ddNTPs for Sequencing & SNP Genotyping

Figure 2: The single basepair extension (SBE) assay is a reliable method for the detection of a priori known locations of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)[2]. It relies on the extension of a primer, designed to bind one nucleotide upstream of the polymorphic spot, by a matching ddNTP. Subsequent detection of the incorporated ddNTP is performed by mass spectrometry of the extended primer, thus revealing the nucleotide base at that position on the template strand[3].


Selected References

[1] Sanger et al. (1977) DNA sequencing with chain-terminating inhibitors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74:5463.
[2] Syvänen et al. (1999) From gels to chips: Minisequencing primer extension for analysis of point mutations and single nucleotide polymorphisms. Hum. Mut. 13:10.
[3] Griffin et al. (2000) Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Trends Biotechnol. 18 (2):77.