96 Well Plates

UV- and X-ray transparent plate from MiTeGen

in situ and serial data collection plate from MiTeGen, particularly well suited for work with microcrystals

96 well plates with different well formats and features from Greiner Bio-One

96 well plate for in situ X-ray analysis from Greiner Bio-One

96 well sitting drop protein crystallization plates from Corning® Life Sciences

Second generation protein crystallization plates from Corning® Life Sciences

96 well sitting drop plates with either 2 or 3 protein wells by SWISSCI

96 well hanging drop plate from SWISSCI where individual wells can be identified and removed without any disturbance of the growing crystals inside the plate

96 well crystallization plates with individual removable strips from Douglas Instruments

96 well sitting-drop crystallization plate from Axygen Biosciences